Multifamily Virtual Bootcamp

Virtual Event , United States

Rod delivers the blueprint for Multifamily Mastery in an intensive live bootcamp event. Rod will guide you step-by-step on how to generate consistent, monthly cash flow through multifamily real estate. […]

The Multifamily Investor Network Conference

Houston, TX

The Multifamily Investor Network Conference is a one-day, no sales pitch event for multifamily investors, syndicators, and multifamily vendors. This event is packed with high-caliber speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities […]

BEC *Special Discount*

Salt Lake City

**Special Discount Available** The Best Ever Conference is three days dedicated to connecting passive and active commercial real estate investors and supporting organizations. ‍ With an economic summit, Pitch Slam […]

Secrets of Successful Syndication Seminar

Dallas, TX TX, United States

**Priority Access Discount Available** Discover how YOU can start, fund and operate your OWN real estate investing business… By helping wealthy people grow their wealth through real estate!